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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ohio Senate Bill 5

Text of Senate Bill 5

This bill deals with Collective Bargaining in the State of Ohio which has not changed significantly since it was enacted in 1983.

First let me explain what Collective Bargaining is: Collective bargaining is a type of negotiation used by employees to work with their employers. During a collective bargaining period, workers' representatives approach the employer and attempt to negotiate a contract which both sides can agree with. Typical issues covered in a labor contract are hours, wages, benefits, working conditions, and the rules of the workplace. Once both sides have reached a contract that they find agreeable, it is signed and kept in place for a set period of time, most commonly three years. The final contract is called a collective bargaining agreement, to reflect the fact that it is the result of a collective bargaining effort. (

Let me also explain that I am not a fan of unions due to a variety of reasons least of which is that they will protect the perpetually unemployed or as with the car industry, will force companies to pay for workers who just sit around all day waiting to be called in for work. These are of course extreme examples but they are valid examples which affect the bottom line for everyone not just the companies or the state.

I certainly understand that at one point unions were great entities; they brought us the 40 hour work week, safe working conditions and decent pay for decent work. For that I will be grateful. The unions of the early 20th century were effective organizations that actually looked out for the worker while also negotiating fair packages with businesses so that their members would continue to have work.

However, unions have failed to live up to this brilliant start, they have become nothing more than greedy organizations with leaders who bully their members rather than represent them. As well they have become intimidating bullies for the far left as was evidence in St. Louis last year.

As such, I do believe Senate Bill 5 is a good sound bill that will change the face of government as well as schools. Under this bill, pay is based on merit – which means that pay is based on performance as it should be and as it is in the private sector. Per Senator Jones “Under the bill, pay for state employees is based on merit, and statutory salary schedules and step increases are eliminated.”

Furthermore, it changes the way layoffs are done so seniority is not the only factor. Other factors such as performance and efficiency will be considered which in the case of teachers a good thing is. Just because one teacher has more seniority does not mean they are a better teacher than one who has only a few years on the job and vice versa. We certainly cannot layoff people because they are old but we should not keep them either based on seniority alone.

This bill does not affect local government workers and effectively changes the way pensions and healthcare are handled.

Folks let’s be clear about this, government workers are essential but lazy government workers are not. We as taxpayers should not foot the bill for those who do not want to perform the services required. As well, lazy workers in the private sector who utilize collective bargaining are just as inefficient and detrimental to this state because they can cause companies to move out resulting in loss jobs, lost tax revenue, lower property values and increased rates of crime. One only has to look at Detroit to see how incompetent government and greedy union members have taken a once prosperous city and turned it into a war zone.

While this bill focuses on state employees, I believe that it should also focus on private sector employee unions as well. I certainly understand that people need to make a decent wage especially in this country that has a high standard of living but at some point we have to say enough is enough. We cannot drive business away just because we need that extra buck or milk in our lunch (yes that really happened in Houston, TX at a Shell Oil plant). This is only one step in bring back our country to its roots of self sufficiency but it is an important step and I encourage all of you to read up about Senate Bill 5 and call your State Senator to voice your support or opposition to it.

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