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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday is a uniquely American Holiday. Let us all reflect on the courage and the wisdom of those early Americans. The Pilgrims survived a harsh and sometimes deadly 9 week voyage across the Atlantic to be free. Once here they nearly died from sickness and near starvation and yet they persevered. They peacefully negotiated with the local Indians - The Wampanoag people, they worked hard and learned through trial and error what would make their settlement successful. William Bradford noted in Of Plimouth Plantation that the community model which had been set up (today we know it as socialism or collectivism) did not work. He found that when people were given their own property to work and manage, the entire community began to prosper. Thus the first lessons of capitalism were sown and this country never looked back until recently.

Today we have a small group of people in this country that believe the rest of us need to carry them. We have politicians who believe that Government is the solution. As well as an entire world that believes we (USA) are their security force, bank and charitable organization. It would do us well to learn the lessons of the Pilgrims. Collectivism does not work, self sufficiency does.

May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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