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Friday, October 24, 2008

One World Government

There has been a lot of talk in regards to a one world government being formed. Most people state that it would be historic, that nothing like it has happened before. However they are wrong. We have had semi one world governments before and all have collapsed.

The Western Roman Empire occurred from 27bc to 476AD and it's territories included all of Europe, northern Africa and into Turkey. The shear size of The Western Roman Empire is one reason why it collapsed. When so many people are under control by one entity revolts are sure to happen. Also the cost of running a large empire or what was considered to be most of the known world at that time contributed to their downfall.

The second example is the British Empire which started under Elizabeth I with the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Because of all the wars that were started to gain territories in the years after Elizabeth, the monetary cost were astronomical. It caused the Empire to have to tax it's people in order to pay for their wars. In the case of the United States we revolted and left the empire. Other countries followed suit. And today, England which once controlled 25% of the world land and population now only controls 14 territories which include uninhabitable areas and areas which the local populations have no interest in independence.

One world governments fail there is no doubt about that. We must fight against a one world government because we will enter a new Dark Age if we do nothing.

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