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Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama's Acceptance Speech

Sorry I have not blogged for sooo long. I have been sick and trying to catch up on my reading. I am still far behind in the reading portion.

First I want to say that last nights acceptance speech was historic and congratulation goes out to Obama for making it this far. I also want to note that it is wonderful to see a black family portrayed so positively. It is very obvious that Michelle and Barak love and respect each other. It is very refreshing to see this versus the images that we usually see in the media.

That being said, I was extremely disappointed with it. Make no mistake I am not an Obama fan and did not feel that he would make any extraordinary statements. However, I felt that the moment deserved better than what Obama delivered. This speech should have been comparable to John Kennedy's 1960 acceptance speech and it was not. Obama spent at least 50% of his speech attacking Senator McCain and President Bush. He spent less than 5 minutes talking about his economic plan and the rest of the time it was pure rhetoric. The same old same old. He does not have the time that President Kennedy had when he delivered his acceptance speech. In 1960 President Kennedy accepted the Democratic nomination in June. He did not have to be specific in his speech because he had an extra 44 days to deliver his message. Last night called for specification and Obama fell flat. He did not lay out any great plan. All he talked about was government solving all our problems while we still have to take responsibility of our own actions. It did not make sense and was the same old same old from the Democrats. I was especially appalled by his lack of gratitude to Dr. King and other civil rights pioneers. His acknowledgment, at the end of his speech, of the anniversary of Dr. King's "I have a Dream" speech was poor and lacking in gratitude of those who came before him. Sadly the entire speech was lacking the tone necessary for such an historic moment in time.

A moment which shows how far we have come as a country.

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