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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wal-Mart's Success

Why is Wal-Mart succeeding in these tough economic times. Simple there is no unionization and they offer a quality product at a low price while paying their workers a decent wage. All companies should look at the Wal-Mart model and copy it to a certain extent. Wal-Mart does one thing that other companies should do and that is profit sharing. When a company shares the profit with their employees it makes for better employees. The employees will work harder and are more likely to stay with a company over a long period of time.

But I think the one thing that is helping Wal-Mart the most is that there are no unions in their stores.(that helps them keep prices low) Unions while not all bad have come to symbolize bad economic choices. Unions are for the lazy and the perpetually unemployable greedy person who cannot sustain themselves through hard work. One only has to look at the Big Three and see unionization at it's finest. A good portion of the cost of a car is tied up in health care and retirement benefits for union members. The health care cost is for both active and retired employees. We have all heard of people who go to work only to sit in a cafeteria until they get called in to work. They are getting paid to sit around. Wow wish I could find a job like that - oh what I could just go up to Detroit and sign up with a union.

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