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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Elect Obama

Congratulations to the Barrack Obama for becoming the first black President of the United States.

I would say that this reflects the dreams of Martin Luther King but it does not because a majority of people did vote based only on skin color. This is wrong - I would be more apt to say that this is a victory for equal rights if 53% of the population had voted on the content of his character. However we had far to many indications that this election was solely about race which is of course a national disgrace.

I might add that I did vote but I voted for a 3rd party candidate who most reflected my values. If either party had had a good candidate I might have voted for a major party candidate but alas they did not.

Senator Obama represents redistributive government also known as socialism/communism. He represents a reduced standard of living and safety for this country. When any candidate actively campaigns for more government he is a danger for country.

Senator McCain also represented big government which is contrary to the principles that our country was founded on. Although he did favor cutting taxes for everyone and he did favor opening health care up to the free market. Senator McCain like Senator Obama favors illegal immigrants over Americans.

I could list several more arguments against either candidate but at this time it is a moot point. For anyone who wants to call me a racist go ahead but you only prove my point.

Once again congratulations Senator Obama and hopefully you will realize that this is a center right country and we do not want a liberal agenda. This was not a referendum on conservatism but a referendum on a supposedly bad President

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