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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Civil Discourse

It is infuriating to me when I encounter an individual on a blog who has to be sarcastic, rude or insulting. I have had the pleasure, over the last couple of nights, of engaging several individuals on the Politico website who have had meaningful and well thought out rebuttals to some of my posts. But there is always those few who have to be rude and hateful. I am certainly not advocating a 60's mentality of peace and love. However, a little respect goes a long way. It is one thing to advise an individual that he/she may be drinking the Kool-aid and should do a little more research. It is an entirely other situation when an individual because rude and hateful by name calling, saying hurtful things about one's family or belittles an individual by tell them they are stupid in so may words. Civil discourse is a must in polite society as well as a must when speaking about political matters. There is no need to get rude or hostile. We can all learn from each other whether we are liberals, conservative, independents, republicans democrats or libertarians.

If you thinks someone is an idiot back up your statements with facts and direct them to those facts. They may not be aware of them or have read something different which has given that individual their perspective.

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